
Mostrando entradas de abril, 2022

A concert that I really loved

 Something that I really enjoy is go to the concerts of bands that aren’t very known. One of my favorites was when I went to see a national indie band called “Miss Garrison”, here in Santiago in 2017. I don’t remember the exact place, but it was little and I went with my dad. I remember that we arrived really early and we were able to talk with the lead singer, Fran Straube, and she was really nice with us. I was very young and accidentally kinda fell in love. The band was playing their last album, and we didn’t knew, but actually the band were going to take different paths. So it was one of the last time that they played together. In the concert we were very close, and the music was really atmospheric. I was completely impressed, and knew all their songs. It was a mystical experience for me and my father, who learn to enjoy music without guitars. Now the lead singer is known as “Rubio” and I still love her music and I go to see her play every time I can.