My favorite peace of technology


My favorite peace of technology is my cell phone,

Basically, because is small and I can use it everywhere for anything, and doesn’t need a especial way to use, is really intuitive.

My favorite way to use it is with Google maps. A kind of GPS, that without it I would have lost multiple times.

Other thing that I like, is that if I want to show something to someone, I just need to google it. And there is it. Anytime, anywhere.

But cell phones aren’t perfect. There are so many things, and we can find so many information in them, that we can get lost. So we need to use it carefully, just when we need it and no just because we are bored. There are so many activities that we can do without them, that sometimes we forget.

So I recommend it? Yes and no. I believe that nowadays is almost impossible not having one of those, but depends of us how we use it, and how many time we pass in them. If we use it well, then is the best tool, if we use it bad, can cause a not very pretty dependence.


  1. I never learned how to use google maps I get lost jjajaj cell phone dependency is a very complex and invisible issue

  2. Phones are very useful, but yes, they can also be addictive :(


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