My dream job

Honestly I don’t have a planned dream job, I consider myself a very versatile and multidynamic kind of person. So, my dream job could be a lot of things, the only condition for me to be happy is that the job will be related with what I’m studying (anthropology/archaeology).

Recently as a generation, in little groups and for a course, we went on field. And I discovered that I liked a lot, the experience of living in a place that you don’t know, speaking with people wish life is really different from your own, looking things and analyze them… that ones are skills. And even if I don’t have it extremely developed, I think that I have them. And that make my conscience calm. Even more, I enjoy them. So that is good.

I don’t really care about the salary. I mean, I know that money is important, but if it can give me enough to a have my own place, food, and basic things. I’m well. I hope to have that’s things. Wishfully.

Definitely I don’t want to be a millionaire, if that would have been the case I wouldn’t be studying anthropology jajajajaja.

Maybe I would like to keep studying, specializing according what I found interesting. That are a lot of things, but I know that sooner or latter I will know what is truly my road. Now I know, at least, that is in anthropology.



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