English Language Challenges


Well, I had (and have) two courses of English in the university, the first one I didn’t like it so much because it was… like… disconnected. Maybe because it was only online or...I don’t really know. The second, that I’m currently coursing, have its face to face classes and that made it a lot of more entertaining. With this courses I have remember some things that I forgotten and new things.

The use of blog is fine, its help to practice our spelling and writing.

I believe that what I have to improve is my knowledge in basic things (because I really forget that kind of stuff), and my writing and pronunciation. For that I have not other option that write and speak in English more. I like poetry and lately I have written some things in English because the tone and feeling is different that the Spanish one.

I actually use English a lot. Like sometimes I don’t  find movies or series with Spanish subtitles so I view them with English subtitles. Or something that happens to me a lot, is that the books I like don’t  have a Spanish version, so I read the original, in English. Another thing that I do daily is check social media, and a lot of things there is in English. So that too.

So that is, here is my favorites books that doesn’t  have a Spanish version.


  1. It is great to be able to read and understand English. Surely, reading your favorite books in the original language of publication must be very rewarding:D

  2. Wow, I agree with you, much content don't have a Spanish version, but I never read a book in English, because I read very slooooow in English and I hate that, I like to read fast.

  3. That's true about poetry. I have a bilingual book by Walt Whitman, and I feel that the emotions in Spanish and English are different.

  4. Uhhhh Reading a book in English before the Spanish version comes out is a challenge I have set myself to learn more of the language.

  5. Reading favorite books in their original language must be fabulous!

  6. I understand you, the same thing happened to me in my first English course and I think it's amazing that you read books in English!!!

  7. It's great that you use English in your daily life, I would love to be able to read books in English like you do!!

  8. it has happened to me that I can't find books/novels translated into Spanish and I end up reading them in English! it helps a lot to become familiar with the language and learn in a more enjoyable way.


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