
Mostrando entradas de mayo, 2022

Time travel

  If we, as humans, could travel in time, there would be a lot of options, and places and different contexts. Time were we didn’t exist… I probably would be overwhelmed, but. The very first thing that I would do if the time travel exist, is to travel to the past. Reallyyyyyyy long ago. Like. When the universe was created. I’m a little obsessed with the origins of things, so the beginning of all will be my fist destination. The second, and in the same line. I would like to observe how was the Homo sapiens evolution. Find the missing links. And that would be enough for my little primate brain. I obviously wouldn’t   stay in any era. I would like to return to my time and explain what I learn (If my brain understood anyways). To the future, I believe that I would like to see very faraway too. If the life remains. In our planet or others that were create. To see if everything is cyclical, or we are just an accident in the kingdom of nothing. I believe that time travel would be a

My dream job

Honestly I don’t have a planned dream job, I consider myself a very versatile and multidynamic kind of person. So, my dream job could be a lot of things, the only condition for me to be happy is that the job will be related with what I’m studying (anthropology/archaeology). Recently as a generation, in little groups and for a course, we went on field. And I discovered that I liked a lot, the experience of living in a place that you don’t know, speaking with people wish life is really different from your own, looking things and analyze them… that ones are skills. And even if I don’t have it extremely developed, I think that I have them. And that make my conscience calm. Even more, I enjoy them. So that is good. I don’t really care about the salary. I mean, I know that money is important, but if it can give me enough to a have my own place, food, and basic things. I’m well. I hope to have that’s things. Wishfully. Definitely I don’t want to be a millionaire, if that would have be