
English Language Challenges

  Well, I had (and have) two courses of English in the university, the first one I didn’t like it so much because it was… like… disconnected. Maybe because it was only online or...I don’t really know. The second, that I’m currently coursing, have its face to face classes and that made it a lot of more entertaining. With this courses I have remember some things that I forgotten and new things. The use of blog is fine, its help to practice our spelling and writing. I believe that what I have to improve is my knowledge in basic things (because I really forget that kind of stuff), and my writing and pronunciation. For that I have not other option that write and speak in English more. I like poetry and lately I have written some things in English because the tone and feeling is different that the Spanish one. I actually use English a lot. Like sometimes I don’t   find movies or series with Spanish subtitles so I view them with English subtitles. Or something that happens to me a lot

Time travel

  If we, as humans, could travel in time, there would be a lot of options, and places and different contexts. Time were we didn’t exist… I probably would be overwhelmed, but. The very first thing that I would do if the time travel exist, is to travel to the past. Reallyyyyyyy long ago. Like. When the universe was created. I’m a little obsessed with the origins of things, so the beginning of all will be my fist destination. The second, and in the same line. I would like to observe how was the Homo sapiens evolution. Find the missing links. And that would be enough for my little primate brain. I obviously wouldn’t   stay in any era. I would like to return to my time and explain what I learn (If my brain understood anyways). To the future, I believe that I would like to see very faraway too. If the life remains. In our planet or others that were create. To see if everything is cyclical, or we are just an accident in the kingdom of nothing. I believe that time travel would be a

My dream job

Honestly I don’t have a planned dream job, I consider myself a very versatile and multidynamic kind of person. So, my dream job could be a lot of things, the only condition for me to be happy is that the job will be related with what I’m studying (anthropology/archaeology). Recently as a generation, in little groups and for a course, we went on field. And I discovered that I liked a lot, the experience of living in a place that you don’t know, speaking with people wish life is really different from your own, looking things and analyze them… that ones are skills. And even if I don’t have it extremely developed, I think that I have them. And that make my conscience calm. Even more, I enjoy them. So that is good. I don’t really care about the salary. I mean, I know that money is important, but if it can give me enough to a have my own place, food, and basic things. I’m well. I hope to have that’s things. Wishfully. Definitely I don’t want to be a millionaire, if that would have be

A concert that I really loved

 Something that I really enjoy is go to the concerts of bands that aren’t very known. One of my favorites was when I went to see a national indie band called “Miss Garrison”, here in Santiago in 2017. I don’t remember the exact place, but it was little and I went with my dad. I remember that we arrived really early and we were able to talk with the lead singer, Fran Straube, and she was really nice with us. I was very young and accidentally kinda fell in love. The band was playing their last album, and we didn’t knew, but actually the band were going to take different paths. So it was one of the last time that they played together. In the concert we were very close, and the music was really atmospheric. I was completely impressed, and knew all their songs. It was a mystical experience for me and my father, who learn to enjoy music without guitars. Now the lead singer is known as “Rubio” and I still love her music and I go to see her play every time I can.

A subject that I really enjoy (enjoyed)

  In the past semester, I have a course call “Workshop I: what the anthropologist does”, basically it teaches you what is (and does) an anthropologist thought the experience of multiple and diverse professionals. We read about them, listened what they wanted to share with us and finally with the professors we pondered. What I more enjoyed was the very different ways and professionals that one can be and do one you graduate. And with that I learned too that anthropology is not a limited career, depending on what do you like and inspire you, is the road you can follow. (And obviously other factors like employability and the use for society defines you, but that is not the point). Honestly, I really wasn't expecting this from the course, I imagined something more serious or technical like Workshop II that is very serious and technical. I wasn´t expecting a course that is principally reflexive.

The effect of my major

 Well, the major that I’m doing is very diverse and ample. So the impact that can have in the world depends on it. But basically, the mention of Social anthropology, can affect in public politics, communities that doesn’t have a lot of voice, and help to understand our own society and culture and members. Archaeology help our humanity to preserve some things of the past that are really important, to remember and learn from it. Without it, we couldn’t know a lot of the vestiges of the first humans, or humans before us. Physic anthropology for the other hand, is really good to help us to know about the evolution in our species and revel secrets inscribed in old bones. I only imagine myself in this major If I know that I can help other people through my knowledge. And I believe that its have the method to do it. Due to the intersectionality and breadth it has.

Photo and its story

 This picture means a lot to me, because it shows my now dead great-grandmother and grandmother very happy, and also my aunt, uncle and mother when they looked very young.  I like pictures when people who I love and care are young and free. It puts meaning to their life now, specially because we only know a little peace of their life and is hard to imagine them when their were kids, and just life their life without us.  I find it interesting too.  I don’t really know the story behind, I believe that not even my family remember when it was toked. They said that it was summer, and that they were enjoying summer. But the history behind the why it end in my hands is a little more sad and beautiful.  The day that my grandmother (the one in the picture) die, the last words that she said to me was that I have to take care of hers pictures. And that is what I do now. Take care of memories. Take care of the past.